Code of Conduct Policies

Southampton Girls Club

Code of Conduct


All Code of Conduct violations will be addressed by the SGC Executive Board. If a parent, coach, player, umpire, or spectator violates the Code the Board will gather all information and render a decision. All decisions will be final.

Therefore it is important for each parent to understand and follow the Code of Conduct.

Violation of any part of the Code will result in removal from the ballpark’s premises and suspension from the future game/games.

  • I am appreciative of the time and energy which league officials, coaches and volunteersgenerously give to my child and will support them with their approach and their determination as to the role of each participant.
  • I will review the CODE of CONDUCT with my child to ensure that they, and I, understand league rules and we will follow them.
  • I will not use or tolerate the uses of alcohol and/or illegal drugs or anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs during any league event.
  • I will be responsible for my behavior and will not throw equipment or be guilty of unsportsmanlike conduct. I understand that if I am ejected from any game, I may not return for that event and could be subject to discipline by the SGC board which will render a final decision without further appeal.
  • I will not tease, taunt, use profanity, obscene gestures or humiliate any fan, coach, umpire or player. I realize the Board of Directors has taken a “Zero Tolerance Policy” on these issues. I will accept the decisions of officials without showing inappropriate emotions. I understand negative cheers are not allowed.
  • I will be responsible for the behavior of other family members and friends that attend games.
  • I will reinforce to my child the qualities of being part of a team and placing personal objectives second to team objectives.
  • I will resist shouting instructions to my child, that’s the coach’s job.
  • I will remember children play for fun and winning is only one part of the game.
  • I will not force my child to participate in sports.
  • I will inform the coach of any physical disability or ailment that may affect the safety of my child or the safety of others.
  • I will teach my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.
  • I will praise my child for competing fairly and trying hard, and make my child feel like a winner every time.
  • I will do my best to support the SGC and its fundraisers.


Southampton Girls Club

Managers and Coaches Code of Conduct

If coaches expect parents and players to abide by the Code of Conduct, they, too, must do the same. Moreover, coaches need to understand that by supporting each other they can eliminate Code of Conduct abuses.


  • I will publicly support all coaches and officials in SGC.
  • I will not petition or otherwise incite other parents, fans, umpires or players against another coach, umpire or anyone else connected with SGC. Coaches have ultimate responsibility for their own conduct, the conduct of their assistants, players, and spectators. I will accept the decisions of officials without showing inappropriate emotions.
  • I will follow all league rules and conduct myself in accordance of these rules.
  • I will review the parental/player Code of Conduct with my players to ensure that they, and I, understand and follow it.
  • I understand that I may not question any judgment call. I understand that the team manager is the only person who can question calls and the manager is the only coach who may enter the field of play with permission from the umpire.
  • I will neither use alcohol and drugs nor tolerate anyone under these influences during or after any league event particularly while on city property including the ballpark, stands and parking areas.
  • I will reinforce to my players the qualities of being part of a team and placing personal objectives second to team objectives.
  • Place the emotional and physical well-being of your players ahead of any personal desire to win.
  • Want to win and strive to win, but don’t “win at all costs”. Seek to achieve excellence.
  • Share your coaching style, playing-time philosophy, player expectations, team rules and season goals with your players and their parents before the season starts. Be open to player and parent input.
  • I will be responsible for my behavior and understand that if I am ejected from any game, I may not return for that event and could be subject to discipline by the SGC board which will render a final decision without further appeal.
  • I will not use profanity towards any participant, coach, umpire or league official. I will not throw equipment in anger or be guilty of unsportsmanlike conduct.
  • I will do my best to support my local SBC and its fund raisers.
  • I will not smoke while in the stands or on the playing field or in any dugout. Smoking will only be permitted in designated areas which will be 50 feet from any spectator stands or dugouts.
  • Managers and coaches must:
    •  Have all players’ medical release forms with you at every practice and game
    •  Have a first aid kit with you all practices and games
    • Have access to a telephone in case of emergencies
    • Ensure warm-up procedures have been completed by all players
    • Stress the importance of paying attention, no “horse playing allowed”
    • Instruct the players on proper fundamentals of the game to ensure safe participation
    • Each practice should have at least 2 coaches in case of an emergency